
The term “barbarian” originates in antiquity. In Ancient Greece, “barbarians” referred to people with an unfamiliar language and/or culture. Then the term “Barbarije” was used for North Africa, for example in 16th century cartography and travel accounts. Its inhabitants were described as “barbarians”. These words became negatively associated with piracy and the slave trade and the word “barbarian” increasingly gained the meaning of uncivilized. Nowadays the word is often used to express the idea that someone or something does not meet generally accepted standards, norms and values, usually those associated with the higher social classes.


The term “barbarian” originates in antiquity. In Ancient Greece, “barbarians” referred to people with an unfamiliar language and/or culture. Then the term “Barbarije” was used for North Africa, for example in 16th century cartography and travel accounts. Its inhabitants were described as “barbarians”. These words became negatively associated with piracy and the slave trade and the word “barbarian” increasingly gained the meaning of uncivilized. Nowadays the word is often used to express the idea that someone or something does not meet generally accepted standards, norms and values, usually those associated with the higher social classes.